In kph or mph?
A stretch of "Persiaran Timor" to the south of Putrajaya runs in parallel with Sungai Langat is just perfect for the sprint test up to and beyond 160kph. It is a six-lane dual carriageway. There is a 2-km flat and straight part of the road, virtually no traffic at dusk. I was on my way back from Cyberjaya then. [Putrajaya Hospital is also not very far away... just in case]
A GPS-datalogger and MapSource were used for the data recording and processing respectively. The same set of equipment was also used for testing myPeugeot 206 before.
"0 to 100kph" or "0 to 100mph" sprints... in less than 9sec and 25sec respectively.
The "Century acceleration" on tiptronic* is about 400ms faster than the time recorded during previous test on AUTO.
*The advantage of TIPTRONIC is that the accelerator pedal need not be depressed while up-shifting, hence faster acceleration and smoother speed curve.
However as can be seen from the "speed vs time" chart there are slight dips and surge during upshift at the end of 1st gear @050kph, 2nd gear @100kph and 3rd gear @160kph during which the torque dropped below 180Nm. After shifting up there was a soft jerk as the torque surged above 210Nm when the rpm dropped to app. 4000rpm.
A similar test [by others] using a different device also recorded 8.9sec for the 0~100kph sprint.

Will do the same test after the 10,000th km Service.
A stretch of "Persiaran Timor" to the south of Putrajaya runs in parallel with Sungai Langat is just perfect for the sprint test up to and beyond 160kph. It is a six-lane dual carriageway. There is a 2-km flat and straight part of the road, virtually no traffic at dusk. I was on my way back from Cyberjaya then. [Putrajaya Hospital is also not very far away... just in case]

"0 to 100kph" or "0 to 100mph" sprints... in less than 9sec and 25sec respectively.

*The advantage of TIPTRONIC is that the accelerator pedal need not be depressed while up-shifting, hence faster acceleration and smoother speed curve.

A similar test [by others] using a different device also recorded 8.9sec for the 0~100kph sprint.

Will do the same test after the 10,000th km Service.
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